CNCF-hosted Co-located Events Europe 2025 taking place on 1 April. This event is happening in person at Excel London in London, England.

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The schedule is subject to change.
Tuesday April 1, 2025 09:10 - 09:35 BST
At Uber, we give service owners the autonomy to build and deploy what they think is right to get the job done. However, this comes with the challenge of applying a consistent baseline of encryption and authorization across dozens of languages, frameworks, and off-the-shelf software. To solve this problem, we needed to re-orient from targeting individual applications and frameworks to a foundational solution that worked regardless of application type.

This talk will cover Uber's journey from having targeted encryption, authentication, and authorization deployed internally to 100% coverage in the span of 2 years by transparently encrypting, authenticating, and authorizing billions of connections. We will cover how Envoy enabled and accelerated this transformation as well as our operational learnings from development, deployment, and our first year with Uber fully onboarded.
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David Bell

Senior Staff Software Engineer, Uber
David Bell is a Senior Staff Software Engineer at Uber focused on the Software Networking stack that powers all of Uber's service to service communication. Prior to Uber, David worked at AWS on their cloud native container orchestration and application networking services.
Tuesday April 1, 2025 09:10 - 09:35 BST
Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 2-4
  EnvoyCon, Envoy in production case studies

Attendees (1)

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