CNCF-hosted Co-located Events Europe 2025 taking place on Tuesday, 1 April. This event is happening in person at Excel London in London, England.

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WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe Schedule (Pre-Registration Required)
Tuesday April 1, 2025 16:30 - 16:55 BST
As part of Swisscom's cloud-native transformation, we developed the open-source NetBox Operator to bridge the gap between network management and Kubernetes. Leveraging the Kubernetes API, the NetBox operator enables users to adopt GitOps practices for IP address management.

The operator uses the same "claim" model found in Kubernetes – e.g. in the PersistentVolume Controller – to differentiate desired and observed states. The user only defines a high-level intent which the operator will process to reserve a resource, like IPs, in NetBox.

In this talk, we’ll demonstrate how the NetBox Operator simplifies the automation of MetalLB IP Address Pools, enabling zero-touch configuration for ingress networking in your Kubernetes clusters. We’ll also highlight advanced features like sticky IP assignments for power users. By simplifying resource management, the operator lets engineers focus on higher-level tasks, enhancing scalability and agility across infrastructures, including the 5G core.
avatar for Joel Studler

Joel Studler

System Architect, Swisscom
Joel is a System Architect currently in a team that builds the cloud native 5G core at Swisscom. He is experienced in infrastructure automation, software defined networking and highly available databases and passionate about automation. He is CK* certified and has written several... Read More →
avatar for Lea Brühwiler

Lea Brühwiler

DevOps Engineer, Swisscom
Lea is a DevOps Engineer at Swisscom, with a focus on automation for cloud-native 5G core.
Tuesday April 1, 2025 16:30 - 16:55 BST
Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 10-12

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